Supporting the mission of San Francisco Shakespeare Festival
The Board of Directors supports the mission of the San Francisco Shakespeare Festival to make Shakespeare and the performing arts available to everyone regardless of age, race/ethnicity, financial status or level of education.
If you’re interested in starting a conversation to explore board membership with SF Shakes, please let us know by filling in this form and we’ll get in touch:
Here is some material we utilize during the board recruitment process that you may find helpful:
Introductions – Provide basic information on SF Shakes, and determine prospect’s interest in Board membership and SF Shakes
Preliminary Phase – Determine prospect’s viability as a Board Candidate
Secondary Phase – Determine Board Candidate’s Strategic Fit with Board’s Goals
Invitation – Board considers inviting Candidate to Join SF Shakes Board of Directors
On-Boarding – New Board members become active members of SF Shakes Board of Directors
While there is no prescribed length of time, the typical board recruitment process takes place over two to three months.
Alice T. Lastname
Company address
Home address
Email addresses
Passion for SFShakes Mission
Alice’s passion for the mission of SFShakes stems from her love of acting when she was a child in Pleasanton. It’s important to Alice that SFShakes provides family and youth arts activities in her hometown, and that the Festival’s focus is on community-building and youth development.
Business Leadership
Alice is interested in sharing her financial and accounting skills with SFShakes as a prospective member of the Finance Committee. Alice has extensive experience providing closely-held businesses and nonprofit organizations with a personalized and focused approach to their operations. Alice brings experience in providing audit and consulting services to industries including distribution, manufacturing, services, retail, charitable community services, the fine arts, private schools, and a wide range of member organizations. As a recent alumnus of Burr Pilger & Mayer LLP’s nonprofit services group in San Francisco, Alice served as the project lead for organizations such as the San Francisco Opera, Gallo Center for the Arts, and the Bernard Osher Foundation. Alice left Burr Pilger & Mayer LLP in 2007 to start her own nonprofit services practice with the San Ramon accounting firm of Brown & Cold.
Alice has performed volunteer services for such organizations as Hill County Conservancy, Austin State Hospital Volunteer Services Council, Junior Achievement, Meals on Wheels, and served on the Executive Committee of Girls Empowerment Network of Austin (GENAustin). Alice has also lectured on issues surrounding public accounting and nonprofit entities for organizations such as the Texas Society of Certified Public Accountants, Burr Pilger & Mayer’s Nonprofit Roundtable Series, Saint Mary’s College of California, and San Francisco State University.
Community Leadership
Alice lives in the Shadow Cliffs development of Pleasanton with her husband Jack and her son and daughter (four and five years old respectively.) Her husband is a shareholder with the same firm, in the area of tax accountancy. Alice grew up in Pleasanton, and acted while attending Amador Valley High School. Alice has recently relocated her family back to Pleasanton from the Austin, Texas area, where her extended family now resides. Alice is connected to the local community, including the local rotary and schools, and is getting more connected with families of school-aged children.
Demographic Characteristics
Alice is 37 and is interested in focusing her board service at SFShakes in the Tri-Valley region.
Financial Commitment
Alice sees her initial personal financial commitment as an annual $5000 donor. Alice understands the importance of fundraising and community advocacy and the central role board members play in these activities. Alice sees no conflict in connecting her professional contacts with SFShakes, and is developing an action plan to introduce 15 new prospects, cultivate 15 existing donors, and make 15 in-person solicitations on behalf of the Festival during her first year of board service.
History with SFShakes
Alice attended the San Francisco Board Fair on March 4, then had coffee with board member Jeff Wutzke and Executive Director Toby Leavitt on March 18.
Basic Fiduciary responsibilities of a Board Member
Fiduciary responsibility: a legal obligation of one party to act in the best interest of another.
Ten Basic Responsibilities of Nonprofit Boards
Source: BoardSource –
PO Box 46093
San Francisco, CA 94146-0937
Stay Informed:
© 2025 San Francisco Shakespeare Festival, a 501c3 non-profit organization.